Browse search

The browse search allows for a single-word search for Keywords, Title, Title (exact), Author, Subject, Series, ISSN, or ISBN. Use this search to browse the collection, regardless of format (i.e., book, periodical, microfiche, etc.). The only search to produce a results list of titles is the Title (exact). All other searches produce a list of terms in the system with the specific word being searched.

Select the index you want to search from the drop down menu. Enter the term you want to search in the input box, and press the Search button or Enter on the keyboard.

Keywords: Use this search to find any word in the title, author, subject and series indexes plus the notes field of the bibliographic records.

Title: Use this search if you know a word in the title or series.

Title (exact): Use this search if you know the first word in the title or series title. A list of titles beginning with your search term will appear, along with the number of records that match the title. Click on the title you want to look at. A list of the titles and authors will be shown. From there go to the full description of the titles you choose.

Author: Use this search if you know a word in the author's name

Subject: Use this search if you know the word is part of the subject you want to research.

Series: Use this search if you know the word is part of a series title.

ISSN: Acronym for International Standard Serial Number. Type the number, or part of the number, in the blank search bar.

ISBN: Acronym for International Standard Book Number. Type the number in the blank search bar.


This search method does a left and right truncation of terms automatically. The asterisk (*) can be used to replace a letter in a word. Example: wom*n

Results List

The result list displays the search results beginning with the particular term you have searched, as a whole word or as part of a word and the number of records that contain that term. Click on a term to display the associated record(s).